Title Research: Art of the Title

 Hi blog! It’s me again and today I’m exploring www.artofthetitle.com and www.watchthetitles.com has revolutionized our approach to title design for the short film. Art of the Title takes a deep dive into the world of movie and TV show titles, offering engaging articles and interviews that unveil the brilliance behind those initial scenes. On the other hand, Watch the Titles feels like a global journey through various title sequences, displaying an assortment of impressive titles and revealing all the intriguing details. These websites extend beyond the realm of movies; they are invaluable resources for our short film, providing lots of inspiration on how title sequences can transcend mere words on the screen. As we immerse ourselves in shaping the title design for our short film, these platforms emerge as great tools, injecting a dose of coolness and ensuring our opening sequence stands out with added flair. Alright, until next time. Bye bye blog!


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