Production Blog- Introduction

Hey, blog I'm back for another episode of planning out my upcoming commercial, creating an organized plan will help my commercial come out better and good quality production. I plan on using various of angles and shots to get the best takes from my commercial, Once I am done filming I will start to review my commercial and make sure everything is in the right order and right placement then I will begin to review it the commercial will be about me, So the way I want it set up is to explain my life in a short amount of time and to let the audience know who I am. I will make edits to some of the takes or shots that I feel like I spoke a little too much or added unnecessary details to, because I want to get straight to the point for the reason of its a short commercial, So cutting out the fluff will grab the audience attention quicker and have them know who I am in a short amount of time. I want to talk about my athletic background and explain my future together in one I think that would be a great representation of me to the audience of my life and who I am, if possible, The approach I want to take is a comedic route and make the audience get a little laugh out of it and explain my life in an informal way. This is my first commercial, So I do plan on do a lot of review and editing to make sure that I produce a good commercial I am excited to produce this commercial since It is about me and my life which should seem easy but I feel like sometimes even talking about yourself can sometimes be hard or I can find myself stuck In what to talk about and it becomes repetitive, In my commercial I will make sure to edit and tweak out If I do end up becoming repetitive in my commercial. I can’t wait for you guys to hear about or see my commercial blog. I think you guys will be very entertained, and I will be back soon to talk to you guys more about the buildup to my commercial, peace out blog. 


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