Genre Blog- Comedy
Hey Blog! So we’re finally ready to start choosing our genre! I’m really excited. Since we have to pick three genres to study, we decided to split it up. So for this blog we’re going to discuss comedy. So a few characteristics that make up a comedy movie are wordplay and uncomfortable situations to induce laughter from the audience. After doing some research, the most common camera techniques are the push, the pull, the wait for it, and the reveal. I think we can implement all of these things into our final task. Common mienscenene are natural makeup, natural lighting, casual acting, and props that fit the movie. Some examples of comedy movies are: No hard feelings, The hating game, and good burger. Aspects of a comedy movies I like are how funny they are, and how casual they seem to be. Some things I don’t like are how sometimes the jokes can be offensive at times. Anyway, that’s my research on the comedy genre!
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