Storyboard for my Music Video

Scene 1: Us singing along to the radio together, female looking out the window.
Scene 2: Female looking and finding another girl's bra, pauses the music.
Scene 3: Girl getting visibly upset about the bra, dude still nervous. He pulls over.
Scene 4: Girl going off on the guy and confronting him, him acting clueless.
Scene 5: The girl still is going off, accusing and questioning the guy
Scene 6: The girl throws the bra at the guy and starts leaving the car
Scene 7: The girl leaves the car and the guy chases after her.
Scene 8: The guy asks the girl where is she going and she lashes out at him.
Scene 9: The guy admits to being a cheater and begs the girl for forgiveness, The girl rejects his begging and does not give forgiveness.
Scene 10: The guy is sad after the breakup, The girl is not sad after the breakup and is living her life.
Scene 11: The guy texts the girl and the girl looks at the messages noticing that the guy is trying.
Scene 12: The guy sees the girl with her new boyfriend and is very sad while the girl is very happy that someone is treating her how she is supposed to be treated.


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