Production Blog- Trying to get the glue to stick!

 Hey blog Guess who's back, your favorite blogger. In today's episode, I will talk about the planning that we are still doing for our music video. My partner and I are still trying to figure out a good recording schedule for the upcoming week. Monday after school was a thought since we have an early release day. Mercedes mentioned Tuesday but I have work so that day will not be available for me. During the music video, I will be wearing a white shirt, black shorts, and slides. Mercedes will also be wearing a white shirt, black bottoms, and slides. Our scenes are very simplistic there should be little to no issues with the production. We are not professional videographers so an issue can happen but that is okay we will fix it when we are done filming. The location we chose was inside and outside a car. The reason we chose this location was because it minimizes background noise compared to a public environment. If any Issue occurs with our first location idea then we will bring the filming to Mercedes house. The props we chose were simple since we are going for a simple and smooth video nothing too complex. I am glad that I chose Mercedes as my partner in this project. Mercedes and I have been patient with the filming process since we have been trying to get it completed but there have been some bumps in the road preventing us from doing so. Our bond has made this project process very exciting and very smooth. We are able to communicate clearly with one another and express ideas and suggestions to better the music video. I feel like any problem we face we easily find a solution together. We will continue to talk and get this filming schedule down. That's it for this blog see you later. 


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