Production Blog- The problems behind the scene

 Hey, blog I'm back with another episode. In today's episode, I will talk about the problems that me and my group partner faced while filming. We faced a problem with time efficiency. We were having issues with finishing our filming in time before we had to go home due to the fact that we were still children. Another issue we faced was procrastination there were times when we would meet together and become lazy and not film that day because of the tiring week we already had. We also faced unfortunate events where we were filming and the phone we were using died on us while filming. Another issue we faced was the location. Even though our filming involved a car, we also filmed outside the car which could become a problem at times due to the loud background noises from the outside. We also came across a weather problem during the outside scenes. Another issue we came across was having to redo the scenes because we kept laughing and joking around with one another, which is not really an issue but it took more time. Another issue we faced was the production at times. The audio would be unclear and the quality would be blurry from certain shots. Another problem was that we would overthink while filming. We would think that the scene was bad or be nervous while filming which would mess up the take. Another problem we faced was the lighting. Sometimes on the takes the lighting would be off. Another issue was remembering what to say during the scenes, That was an issue I faced more than my partner because I couldn't remember the words. Despite the issues we faced we still were able to overcome the problems and make a good music video. Thank you for tuning in blog, Peace Out.


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