My group for the Music Video


Hey, blog I'm back with another episode. This will be the beginning of a new project which you guys and girls will see in my Music Video. This will be a different type of project due to the fact It will be a group mate this time along for the ride with me and not all solo. My groupmate name is Mercedes and we have been friends for a while now. I believe we have a lot of chemistry together we can talk for endless hours about any topic. The phrase "great minds think a lot" describes us so well as friends, we always happen to have the same ideas and answers. Working with her will be very fun we will create a lot more memories together as well as produce a creative music video for you loyal fans out there. The song we are deciding on is still in the works. The genre we decided on will be about heartbreak. The genre was an interesting pick because we both talked about how the songs are so good when the artist is heartbroken. Many artists take the heartbreak route now because of how popular it has become over time. The song choices are very broad in this genre. We have discussed many songs already and have been back and forth constantly. Once we do come to an agreement on a song I believe that will take a lot off our plate early. It will make the creation of the music video much easier, So we can understand what theme our music video will show to the audience. Making a music video with Mercedes will be very fun because our personality together is pure humor. We will have fun which will help us stay level-headed and not feel overwhelmed. Mercedes work ethic is very impressive, She can have fun while getting a lot of work done. I personally get easily distracted, So having her in my group will help me stay on path. The music video will show how good we are at acting and maybe one day will pursue acting together. Thank you for tuning in blog this is the first episode to many more of our new project together see you guys and girls later peace out. 


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