Research and Planning Blog


Hey, blog I'm back and in today's blog, we're going to talk about the process of the photos, videos, and song I will be choosing for my upcoming commercial. The photos and videos I plan on using are going to resemble me and have a relation to me in some way, The song I was thinking about using happens to not be the best song for school because it has foul language and It can also be taken in the wrong context, This will be a fun project to work on and explore many different planning options because it's so many different approaches I can look at and take because it's supposed to be a fun creative project, I plan on taking a funny route with my commercial the videos and photos will be meant to catch the attention of the audience and give them a little giggle, I always found commercials funny because of how fast they have to talk because commercials are normally short and they have to get all there information across in 30 seconds. I will research commercials to use as examples to see how I can structure my commercial and what's the best way to set it up and apply and combine the different videos and photos together. The beginning of the commercial consists of me introducing myself and then transitioning into the explanation of the commercial and what I am offering to the audience and then I will close it off with a nice conclusion sentence. I am hoping to get some nice quality throughout the entire commercial and produce a nice commercial for the audience to enjoy, I plan on taking videos that will get a good understanding of me and who I am, I will introduce the different things that I will talk about in the commercial, The photos I will choose will be related to how the commercial will go and they will correlate with the timing and script of the commercial, The idea that I want for the commercial background is an imaginative and exciting theme that will go along with the commercial itself. Overall, I will create a bomb commercial and will have a fun time doing it.  


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