Production Blog- Song
Hey blog I'm back for another episode. In today's episode, the topic will be the song chosen for my upcoming commercial. The song is called Waves by Dean Lewis. The song represents me because the song explains how he was once a young boy who was happy always. Now he can't understand why there is inconsistency in his heart that feels happiness from once as a young boy. I relate to certain things from the song. I believe the older you get the harder life can get. You are met with more responsibilities and expectations as a growing teenager. Sometimes I tend to care too much about how people portray me because of the way I want the world to view me. Once as a young boy who just cared about little things like going outside or playing video games. Now an older boy who cares about things that can cause pressure and stress. I do want to be successful in life and I think many people In the world go through things In life that are challenges. I also believe that overcoming those challenges is important, So the pressure I put on myself with my education and life in general can sometimes leave no room for happiness. I have goals and ambitions in life that I prioritize over my happiness. This is something the song describes it says remember how happy you were as a young boy and apply it to your older self which was the meaning in some of Dean Lewis's lyrics as he wrote this song. These lyrics relate to me for many reasons. I chose this song to explain how I once was as a little boy. The strive for greatness can sometimes make you sacrifice things you once had and that was the case for me. I believed happiness was a second priority as long as I got my main goal first. I had to find a balance between the two and realize happiness is part of the main priority. Without happiness, it's hard to accomplish your goals and ambitions. This song has been a part of me for a while now and I listen to it when I need reminding of things like my happiness or my goals when I tend to forget. Thank you for tuning in on today's episode. see you guys and girls later on another episode.
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