Production Blog- Explaining my pictures and videos


Hey Blog, I'm back with another episode. In today's episode, I am going to talk about my pictures and videos for my commercial. I will start off with a picture of myself when I was a little child. I was graduating from pre-kindergarten. It was a nice memory to add to the first picture in my commercial. The second picture will also be a picture of me as a child. To create a pattern of the younger me to the older me. My third picture will be a more senior picture of me in my current age and grade, I also will be holding a softball. The first three pictures created a pattern and explained me as a child and my present age. My next picture will be the image I used for this blog using an MLB star named Fernando Tatis Jr to be my third image. This image represents me in a way because of the love I have for baseball. I enjoy the atmosphere of the sport and the feeling of hitting a baseball is just one of the best feelings in the world. Fernando Tatis is my favorite baseball player. I mock my game after him because I notice our playstyles are similar. My last image will be an image of a stockbroker. Stockbroker will be my future career that I strive for and plan on becoming. I have had the idea of becoming a stockbroker for a while now. I remember watching an episode of my favorite Tv show Suits, which is a lawyer show, but they were dealing with stockbrokers in one episode. I remember the way the stockbrokers were running around and trying to finish the job before the end of the day because it was the last day before the end of the month. This means that whatever money they did not make in that short amount of time would have to go into next month's quota. I just loved seeing the rush those people got for handling so many different amounts of money. The 2 videos that I will use will be showing me in the present time. That is the end of this episode blog see you later.  


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