INT. JONATHAN HOUSE - NIGHT A stormy night. Lightning flashes, revealing an old Victorian house perched on a hill. The wind howls through the trees. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Jaida (late 20s, adventurous) and Mercedes (early 30s, pragmatic) huddle together, laughing and sipping wine. The atmosphere is warm, yet the flickering candlelight casts eerie shadows. JAIDA This place is amazing, Merce. You sure your cousin won't mind us crashing here? MERCEDES (chuckles) Nah, she's in Europe. The house is ours for the weekend. Suddenly, the power goes out. The room plunges into darkness. JAIDA Great, just what we need. They light candles, their faces tense with uncertainty. A KNOCK on the door startles them. MERCEDES Who could that be in the middle of nowhere? Jaida cautiously approaches the door, opens it slightly. Adarius (40s, ominous) stands there, rain-soaked and uninvited. ADAIRUS (sly smile) Hello, ladies. Mind if I come in? JAIDA (uneasy) Who are you? ADAIRUS Call me Adarius. I...